… a ministry of Acts One Eight, Inc.

This site is provided to equip you to do four things ... to begin your walk with God as a new believer, to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, to become a more effective witness, and to be a disciplemaker.



               Are you a disciple or just a believer?


Christ’s Great Commission to “Go therefore and make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20) is misunderstood, inadequately defined, or functionally overlooked by many believers ... appearing more like the Great Confusion or the Great Omission. Acts One Eight is actively and vigorously contending for an accurate, certain, and complete understanding and effectual implementation of the Great Commission. A disciple is more than a believer on steroids. Jesus defined the requirements for being His disciple as very different from those of simply being a believer. Visit www.DiscipleOrBeliever.org  to learn the difference. When you come back, MyDisciplemaker.org can help you transition from new believer to functioning disciple.



               The Right Foundation


In Matthew 7, Jesus spoke of the narrow gate that leads to life (verses 13-14) ... of those who mistakenly think that they are safely His (verses 21-23) ... and of a man who built his spiritual house on the right foundation and another who built on an insecure one (verses 24-27). You can be sure that you have entered His narrow gate to eternal life. You can be sure of your relationship with God. You can be sure that you are spiritually secure on His foundation. If you have any doubt about this, even the slightest doubt about your salvation, please visit www.911God.org before continuing on this site.



               Instructions for using this site


The courses linked below will take you on an exciting path toward becoming His disciple. Free printable PDFs are provided for each lesson and each course. All are designed to equip you ... to help you learn, to help you apply the Word to your own life, and to multiply it all to others. They are designed to equip you for the life and work of a disciple ... not simply to exhort you. Therefore, plan on being taught, reproved, corrected, and trained. The courses are presented in a logical order of development and growth. Just click on the course title where you need to begin. And it may be advantageous for you to study these lessons with an older believer who could help you grow even more.


           The Core Courses … click on the

           name of the course to access the

           student PDFs



           Bible Basics One ... 4 short lessons for

           new believers.


           Disciplemaking 1 - Abiding in His
           Word ... an in-depth 120-page overview

           of the truths and history in the Bible.


           Disciplemaking 2 - Being His Witness...

           a proven and practical 60-page course

           on witnessing in your world.


           For teachers of these courses … click

           on the name of the course below to

           access disciplemaker PDFs


           Bible Basics One ... including easy

           teaching guides
           Disciplemaking 1 -
           Abiding in His Word
... including easy

           teaching guides and helps.


           Disciplemaking 2 -
           Being His Witness

           including easy teaching guides.